Morris Reich


Reader:  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth…

               And God saw the light that it was good and God

              Divided the light from the darkness, and God

               Called the light day and darkness he called…


               And there was evening and there was morning,

               the first day.

All:             And God said…

Reader:      So God created man in His own image,

All:             In the image of God created He him.

Girl 1:        Was he white, yellow, or black?

Boy 12:      Was he Catholic, Protestant, or Jew?

Reader:      It doesn’t say—only that he created man.

All:             Man was created man

                   Different from fish or four-footed animal,

                   Different in color

                   But still man,

                   Wanting the same things---

Girl 3:        Food to eat,

Boy 4:        A place to sleep,

Girl 5:        Land to work, to live on, to build---

All:             A better world for his young.

Reader:      And he got that better world

                   Because man worked with man.

Boy 6:        To build a home,

Girl 7:        To make the first wheel,

Boy 8:        To bring the first fire.

Boy 10;      And it was man working with man

                   Who built the town and the nation,

Girl 9:        The little house and skyscraper.

Girl 1:        The wagon and the streamliner,

Boy 12:      The arching bridge and the B-29

Reader:      And no on asked

                   Was he black or white,

                   Was he Catholic, Protestant or Jew

All:             No one---but the sick in mind.

Boy 2:        We built a nation, powerful and glorious

                   Because man worked with man.

Girl 3:        The English at Plymouth,

Boy 4:        The Dutch in New Amsterdam,

Girl 5:        The protestants in Maryland.

All:             And we fought the Revolution

                   So man could live with man

                   In freedom, in peace.

Reader:      And no one asked

                   At Valley Forge or Saratoga

                   Was he black or white,

                   Was he Catholic, Protestant or Jew,

All:             No one---but the sick in mind.

Boy 6:        When the slaves in the South in their pain and

                   suffering cried for freedom, they sang,

                   “When Israel was in Egypt land,”

All:             Let my people go.

Boy 6:        “Oppressed so hard they could not stand.”

All:             Let my people go.

Boy 6:        “Go down Moses, way down in Egypt land,

                   Tell old pharaoh to

All:             Let my people go.

Girl 7:        The Protestant Negro sang of the yearning

                   Of the White Jew for Freedom

                   Because Freedom belongs to all men,

                   Not to one color, not to one religion.

Boy 8:        In the pain and suffering now

                   Does the wounded Protestant of Iowa

                   Fighting in the Ardennes Forest ask

                   “Whose blood are you pouring into my veins

                             so that I may live?”

Boy 4:        Does the colored gunner cutting his way

                   Through Italy ask,

                   “Who made the gun who filled this bullet?”

All:             No one asks on the fighting front,

                   Is he black or white,

                   Is he Catholic or Protestant or Jew.

Reader:      No one---but the sick in mind.

Boy 10:      I went to a movie last week,

All:             He saw Margaret O’Brien—Irish and Catholic.

Boy 10:      I wore my new cotton shirt.

All:             The cotton was picked by a colored man in the South.

Boy 10:      I rode down by train.

All:             Every race, every color, every religion was on

                             that train with him.

Boy 10:      And I met my friend.  We were hungry and went in

                             for lunch.

All:             The man who served them was a Swede and Protestant.

Boy 10:      After the movies I came home, turned on the radio

                             and listened to my favorite programs.

All:             And heard Benny Goodman, a Jew; Quentin Reynolds,

                             a Catholic; Lionel Barrymore, a Protestant;

                             Marian Anderson---colored.

Boy 10:      And I thought to myselft what a wonderful world

                             this was with so many different people helping

me to be healthy and happy and how much I owed them.

All:             And he didn’t ask once that day,

                   On the train, in the movies, in his home,

                   Is he black or white,

                   Is he Catholic or Protestant or Jew.

Reader:      No one would—no one but the sick in mind.

All:             The sick in mind,

                   The sick in mind,

                   Who are the sick in mind?

Girl 9:        In the old days they threw the Christians to the lions

Girl 7:        They slaughtered the Jews in their homes,

Girl 5:        They drove the Negroes into slavery.

All:             They were the sick in mind.

Reader:      They are the same today.

Boy 8:        They killed the Polish Catholics in prison camps.

Girl 2:        They killed the German Jews on their streets.

Girl 3:        They made slaves of Czech Protestants in their


All:             They divide man from man with hate.

Reader:      They are the sick in mind.

All:             They live in our midst today.

Girl 3:        They gang up on a Jewish boy.

Girl 7:        They put a swastika on a Catholic church,

Boy 4:        They smash up a Protestant pulpit,

Girl 1:        They won’t give a Negro a job.

All:             They are the sick in mind.

Boy 8:        Would you touch a boy who has scarlet fever?

Reader:      Will you listen to the one who is sick in mind.

                   Will you listen to the one who divides black

                             from white, Protestant from Catholic from Jew?

Boy 10:      What are you missing?

All:             Man divided from man

                   Man fighting against man,

                   Has taken it from you,

Girl 5:        What have you?

Boy 2:        Man living with man,

                   Man working with man,

                   Gave it to you.

All:             In all your deeds, in all your thoughts,

                   In all you say, in all you do…

                   Remember this----

Reader:      “And God created man in His own image, in the

                             image of God created He him.”



All:             And it doesn’t say he was black

                   It doesn’t say he was white,

                   It doesn’t say he was Catholic, Protestant or Jew

Reader:      It just says, He created man---

All:             That’s all of us!