Solo 1:       One fact eccentric I often muse on:

                    Girls of sixteen won’t keep their shoes on.


All:             Girls, at sixteen, for all our strictures,

                   Are proper as Puritans,

                   Pretty as pictures.

Solo 2:       With waists cinched tightly,

Solo 3:       Wearing ponytails,

Solo 4:       They move more lightly

                   Than a hip with sails,

                   Than roses shaking

                   The summer dews off—

Solo 1:       But why must they always be taking their shoes off?


Solo 5:       Girls of sixteen

                   Have rows and rows

                   Of fanciful, lean


Solo 6:       Helter-skelter,

                   To point of scandal,

                   Their closets shelter

                   Slipper and scandal,

All:             Glass shoes, gilt shoes,

                   Shoes with baubles on,

                   Three-inch-stilt shoes

                   That anyone wobbles on,

                   Shoes gone risible,

                   Shoes for sport,

                   Shoes without visible

                   Means of support.

Solo 7:       Each maidenly foot is a clad-with-care foot,

Solo 1:       But how do they go?

                   Why, chiefly barefoot.

Solo 8:       They never enter

                   Their entrance halls

                   But front and center

                   The footwear falls:

All:             Pumps under sofas;

                   Brogues on the stairs;

                   Loathsome loafers

                   Beneath wing chairs;

Solo 9:       Shoes on the landing.

                   Lost in flight;

                   On porches standing


                   While, lets a-taper,

                   Combing their curls,

                   Blithely caper

                   The discalced girls.

Solo 10:     Shoeless they chatter their gossip windy

                   Or barefoot at parties

                   Dance the Lindy.

Solo 1:       Girls at sixteen have depth unsounded.

                   Of sugar and spice

                   Are they compounded;


All:             Sweetly their powers

                   Shame doubting Thomases;

                   They keep late hours

                   But keep their promises;

Solo 1:       They keep cool heads

                   For the course they cruise on.

                   So why in the world can’t they keep their shoes on?