Carl Sandburg


Solo 1:       It is something to face the sun and know your are free.

                   To hold your head in the shafts or daylight

                             slanting the earth

                   And know your heart has kept a promise and the blood

                             runs clean:


All:             It is something

                   To go one day of your life among all men with

                             clean hands,

                   Clean for the day book today and the record

                             of the after days,

                   Held at your side proud, satisfied to the last,

                             and ready,

                   So to have clean hands:


Solo 1:       God, it is something, One day of life so

                   And a memory fastened till the stars sputter out

                   And a love washed as white linen in the noon drying.


All:             And O the great brave men, the silent little brave men,

                             proud of their hands—


Solo 1:       Clutching the knuckles of their fingers into fists

                   ready for death and the dark, ready for life and the

                   fight, the pay and the memories—


All:             O the men proud of their hands.