Robert P. T. Coffin


All:             Golden Friday afternoons

                   Were when our nation grew,

                   When boys spoke pieces at the school,

                   Then New World rooster crew.


Solo 1:       Boys so freckled you could not

                   Put a pin-point down

                   Stood with Horatius at the bridge

                   And saved the Roman town.


Solo 2:       Boys with maps of Ireland

                   All over their plain faces

                   Became old Rome’s aristocrats,

                   Hidalgos in white laces.


Solo 3:       A boy who drove the brown cows home

                   Was Spartacus defying

                   The Caesars,


Solo 4:                                    and a stub-nosed lad

                   Was John of Gaunt a-dying.


Solo 5:       Son of Tom, the rail splitter,

                   With patches at the knee,

                   Commanded Moses from the bush

                   To set a people free.


Solo 6:       A plowboy turned to Regulus

                   Felled Carthage with one breath,

                   A hired-man’s son cried, “Give me

                   Liberty or give me death!”


All:             Henry Clays, John C. Calhouns,

                   Websters four-foot high

                   Stood up to tyrants with the New

                   World fire in their eye.


                   And these four-foot orators

                   Who acted out the great

                   Grew up and were the architects

                   Of our American state.