Carl Sandburg


All:             What did Hiamovi, the red man, Chief of the Cheyennes,


                   To a great chief at Washington and to a chief of

                             people across the waters:  Hiamovi spoke:


Solo 1:       “There are birds of many colors—


All:             red, blue, green, yellow,


Solo 1:       Yet it is all one bird.

                   There are horses of many colors—


All:             animals, flowers, trees.


Solo 1:       So men—in this land, where once were only Indians,

                   are now men of many colors---


All:             white, yellow, black, red.


Solo 1:       Yet all one people.

                   That this should come to pass was in the heart of

                   the Great Mysery.

                   It is right thus—and everywhere there shall be peace.”


All:             Thus Hiamovi, out of a tarnished and weatherworn

                   heart of old gold, out of a living down gold.