Carl Sandburg


Solo 1:       “Man will never write,”


All:             They said before the alphabet came

                             and man at last began to write.


Solo 1:       “Man will never fly,”


All:             They said before the planes and blimps

                             zoomed and purred in arcs

                             winding their circles around the globe.

                   And man at last began to fly.


Solo 1:       Man will never make the United States or Europe

                             Nor later yet the United States of the World,

                   “No, you are going too far when you talk about

                             one world flag for the great Family of Nations,”


All:             They say that now.


Solo 1:       And man the stumbler and finder, goes on,

                             man the dreamer of deep dreams,

                             man the shaper and maker,


All:             Man the answerer.