Don Blanding


Lissen, Cepheus, you been away to college

And you got a lot of what you calls knowledge.

But, Boy, that ain’t knowledge…that’s just book-learning,

Knowledge is what your heart knows concerning

Folks and loving and living.

There’s less talk of taking and more of giving.

You may think you’s what you calls a ay-the-ist

Or a Egg-nos-tick.  I don’t know what a nog is,

But I knows a egg when I sees one, and I knows a bad egg

when I smells it.

There’s something in this room that ain’t perfume.

And it ain’t emanating from me or that white gentleman.

It’s the smell of them foul things you’s a-saying.


You says that the Good Book is full of contradictions.

In fact, that it begins with a contradiction

Because it says, “In the beginning was the Word,”

And that a Word can’t come out of nothing.

Boy, I just been listening to a mighty lot of words coming

out of nothing.

Because “Nothing” is you in your present frame of mind.

You’s nothing trying to be something.

But you don’t want to do nothing about being something.

You just goes around trying to make other folks nothinger

than you is.

And the more nothinger that you is, the more something you

thinks you is.

You know what you reminds me of?

In arthmetic they’s got a little figure they calls a Zeero.

A zeero is Nothing with a line around it.

Nothing with a line around it.  That’s your present frame

of mind.

And you know what’s happened to you?

You was up on the corner Zeeroing at the top of your voice.

You was zeeroing at all the pretty girls passing by, and

I don’t blame your for that.

But that Ol’ Devil comes up behind you and sees this bunch

of nothing with a line around it called a Zeero.

And just like slipping the skin off of a grape, he skins

that line from around that Zeero.

And what’s left?


          …..A PEELED ZERO’   Yessir, a PEELED ZERO.

Just a big bunch of bare nothing without even its underwear on.

And there ain’t nothing in the world so cold and dismal and

lonesome as a peeled Zeero.  Nothing around it.

Nothing in front of it.

Nothing behind it.  And giving off nothing in every direction.

I tells you what you gotta do, Boy, cause you’s in a sad way.

You gotta get you some Faith.

How’s you going to get what you ain’t got and don’t believe

in anyhow?  I’ll tell you, Boy.  You’d done it before.

Remember when you was a little shaver?  You went out to the

Ole Swimming Hole with the yuther boys.  You sits on the

bank, skeered stiff of that old cold deep-looking water,

because you knows that you cain’t swim.

But the yuther boys is in there snorting and cavorting, and

you wants to be in the swim, too.  That’s just human.

You puts your toe in.  Then you gets knee-deep, then chin-deep

and finally you DUNKS.

It ain’t so bad.  But still you knows that you don’t know

how to swim.

You goes in for several days, and nobody don’t know the

time between when you cain’t and when you can swim.  But

the next day you goes in, you takes a deep breath and you

submits yourself to the ELEMENT

and you SWIMS.

Boy, what a sensation!  You’s the swimmingest boy in the

whole puddle.  Then you tries to get the yuther little fellers

to try, cause that’s getting Faith in a big way…you wants

to share it….everywhere.  Then you know what happens?  That

old Peeled zero begins developing a skin around it again.


          And you begins growing…up.


                   The old fat sides of that Zeero begins slimming down…

as the hot air leaks out of it…until there ain’t no space

between them two sides, and they lengthen right out into a

straight up-and-down line.

And you know what that straight line is?


          It’s the word “I”.


          Remember how Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM”

Well, now you’s got the first part of “I AM”.  When you gets

the “AM” part you’ll be a man grown.  You’ll be worth talking

with then.  Come back and see me.  In the meantime, God bless

you Boy.  And now get them shoes shined…and good.