Jesse Yeager - 1963
Bio & Picture from 40th Reunion

Bio Update for 50th Reunion
Bio Update for 60th Reunion 


The Yeager Family on Thanksgiving 2003
Jes and Su Yeager with their kids Troy (red shirt) and daughter D'Arcy (front row left).
Lou King, D'Arcy's significant other, is to the left of Jes, and Jackie Yeager, Troy's wife is to the right of D'Arcy.
Read BIO

Jesse Yeager - 2003-08-10
The years have gone by so fast, I don’t know how it’s possible that it’s been 40 years since graduation.  First of all,  life is very good here in my hometown --  Saint Paul, Minnesota.  How I got here is somewhat of a story in itself.

After graduating from high school and Mizzou, Su and I married and almost immediately headed off for the Army with a short hiatus as an accounting auditor for Owens Illinois in Toledo, Ohio.  Rather than going to Vietnam, I became an instructor in electronics for the Army at Ft. Eustis, Virginia.  We stayed there for two years and our first child, D’Arcy, was born in the Patrick Henry Army Hospital.  Our next stop was back to Columbia for a 12-month stint where Su got her master’s in journalism and I got my master’s in accounting.  Then, it was back to Toledo for the 8-5 routine for a number of years.  I think my favorite job was “accounting for” Jeep, but I’ll save those stories for when we get to reminiscing at the reunion.  Our son Troy was born in Toledo and Su and I worked and nurtured our kids through all the ups and downs of parenthood.  Both kids are happily married – and we’re waiting for grandkids.  But no such luck yet.

After the kids left for college and I took a “buy out” from Chrysler, which had acquired Jeep, we decided to leave Toledo and Su took a job with Saint Paul Public Schools.  I started a courier business after I left Chrysler and moved that business up to Minnesota, where we’ve been for the past six years.  Our first winter here was bitter cold and it became obvious that only people who were born here know how to live in the cold – outside in the winter.  I quickly found accounting work at Plastics, Inc., where I track expenditures and costs for the plant, which is owned by the infamous Tyco International.

We go to a lot of shows (theatre is big in the Twin Cities), have become fans of Garrison Keillor’s Prairie Home Companion, see just about every film worth seeing, do a lot of gardening and taking care of our Victorian home (is there anything else that can fall apart in an old house?), and spend quite a bit of time traveling to see our far-flung family.  Last November, we did spend a week in Hawaii—to celebrate our anniversary.  Our son Troy and his wife Jackie are here in Saint Paul and we love having them close by.

Mom and Jim still live in Columbia and I get to see them fairly often.  As I’m sure you know, my youngest brother John died in 1983.   His wife Theresa is a teacher at the Career Center for Columbia Public Schools.  Both of their daughters, Jessica and Tristin, are married to two of the greatest guys on the planet.  Jim and his wife Rene run a beautiful bed and breakfast down in Fulton and if you are ever looking for a weekend getaway, that’s the place to go.   Mom continues to inspire us with her ready smile and big heart.

We’re really looking forward to seeing everyone in October and special thanks to Charlie for putting this together.



Update to 40th Anniversary Story – for 50th Reunion

December 29, 2012

Born on a farm outside of Columbia, MO, to Robert Clyde and Wanda Coats Yeager, I moved to a home on Clinkscales Ave. when I was 4. Mom was a nurse at Ellis Fischel Hospital and dad was a printer at the Columbia Tribune. My two brothers, Jim and Steve, and I went to West Boulevard Elementary School and Jefferson Junior High and Hickman High School.

After graduating from Hickman, I attended and graduated from the Business School at Mizzou where I earned bachelor and master’s degrees.

I am retired now, but worked as an auditor, financial analyst and controller for Owens-Illinois, Prestole-Everlock, Jeep and Chrysler in Toledo, OH, for 25 years. I’ve been retired since 2009 and currently spend a lot of my time managing our stock portfolio, playing with my grandkids and trying to keep up with the repairs and maintenance on our 1885 Victorian home in St. Paul, MN. We’re also spending quite a bit of time with trying to trace our families history. Su has gotten all the way back to the Mayflower on her dad’s side. We’ve got 165 people in the Yeager family tree. One of the best parts of the effort is reconnecting with my cousins in Columbia, Harrisburg and Rocheport. Let me know if anyone else is tracking their families as I always remember the Grants were connected to the Coats and the Shadricks and maybe they have some information.

Su and I are so glad to be back in St. Paul after a four year stay in Atlanta, GA, where Su was employed by Atlanta Public Schools and I worked for Plastics Inc. from 2007-2011.

Su and I will celebrate our 46th wedding anniversary on August 26, 2013. We have two children, D’Arcy and Troy, and two grandchildren, Owen, who is 7, and Wyatt, who is 2. D’Arcy was born in Williamsburg, VA, where I was serving with the Army in 1970 and Su was a reporter for the Virginia Gazette. Troy was born in 1974 in Toledo, OH, where I was working for Owens-Illinois and Su was working for the Toledo Blade.

D’Arcy is a terrific daughter. She’s beautiful and smart and is very caring. She recently was awarded a PhD from the New School in New York and is living the “good life” in Manhattan with her husband, Lou, and their dog, Monte. D’Arcy works for large pharmaceutical companies providing patient and physician education, and Lou is a composer. We love to visit them in New York and they always show us a great time.

Troy is an executive with Target here in the Twin Cities. He and our fabulous daughter-in-law Jackie are the best parents ever. Troy and our eldest grandson Owen spent the two days after Christmas this year at a card table in Owen’s room assembling a 1,094-piece Star Wars Lego plane. Troy is a terrific cook, loving father and an all-around great person to spend time with. We thank our stars everyday that Jackie is a stay-at-home mom. In her spare time, Jackie makes jewelry, purses and all kinds of special crafts. She’s very talented.

Since Mom’s death in 2008, we don’t get to Columbia too often. The memories I have from my years at Hickman and living in our family home on Broadway are very fresh. My best memory from Hickman has to be the many hours I spent on the basketball court doing my best to become an excellent ball handler and free throw shooter. I really liked working at Shapperkotter’s Hardware, going to the Driveateria, hanging out with friends. I also remember my successful campaign for student body vice president during my junior year, and will always be thankful for the fantastic support of hundreds of friends who helped me win the campaign. My worst memory from Hickman was being a teetotaler and never touching beer or other adult beverages.

I really haven’t stayed in close contact with my classmates from Hickman, but every once in awhile I will give Ron Lumb a call to see how he’s doing. I’m really looking forward to talking with my old buddies at the reunion.

We are very excited about seeing everyone in October in Columbia, and, again, a special thanks to Charlie for trying to organize all of us. See you soon!


Jesse A. Yeager, August 19, 2023

·     What is your origin; why, when and how did you wound up in Columbia and where did you come from if you were not born in Columbia?

Born and raised in Columbia

2) What did you do immediately after you left high school in 1963 and where did you go if you left Columbia?


Went to University of Missouri

3) Where did you get your education (other than HHS) and what is your profession or how did you acquire your occupation and what was or is it?


Accountant – MU bachelor’s and masters

4) Are you still working and if so what are you doing?

Nope.  Fully retired.

5) Are you retired and what are you doing or what have you done since you retired? How long have you been retired?


Retired 2010.  Traveling; enjoying two grandkid; family events; being a good neighbor and husband, dad and grandpa.

6) Are you married? Who are you married to? Who are you divorced from? How did you meet your spouse or partner; where and when? How long have you been married? Or how many times have you been married and/or divorced?


Married fellow MU grad Su (journalism) right after graduation.  Married 56 years

last August. Met on our first day of classes. She was my lab partner in General Experimental Psychology.

7) How many children do you have? When was your first child born? When was your last child born? How many grandchildren do you have and when was the oldest and the youngest one born?


Two Children.  D’Arcy was born in 1970 and Troy was born in 1974. Two grandchildren, Owen was born in 2005 and Wyatt was born in 2010.

8) What countries have you spent time in other than on business? What countries have you lived in outside the US?



9) What's on your 'Bucket List' and what have you done and haven't done so far?


My bucket list consists in my putting one foot in front of the other and staying healthy and positive.

10) Are you a veteran and if so where and when did you serve our country?


1969-1971.  Fort Eustis, Virginia.  Helicopter crew chief instructor on Cobra gun ships during Vietnam War.

11) What is the best memory you have from Hickman High School? What is your worst memory from HHS?


My best memory was playing basketball almost all the time and my worst memory is that I usually did not play very well. I did get up and try again the next day. This was great exercise.  I liked working at Schaperkotter Hardware, working on the farm, growing sweet corn and pumpkins.

12) What was your favorite place to go after school or on weekends in Columbia when attending Hickman?

Drive in on business 70 and 63 south. Or just cruising the city on 20 cent gasoline.

13) Who was your favorite teacher at Hickman? Who would you like to see the most from the Hickman faculty and why?

Coach James McCloud for providing so much encouragement:  a solid Thank You.

14) What person from our class have you stayed in closest contact with since you left Hickman other than your wife or husband?

Ron Lumb and my brother Jim.  Dave Sapp.

15) Which '63 Kewpies are you in touch with?  Please give me their name and their email, address and phone number?

16) Tell me something that you have told one of your children or grandchildren that was something you learned or did at Hickman?

Remember other people. Their names, interests and birthdate. Be kind and share.

17) What are the earliest memories you have of places, people or things in Columbia?

Holiday celebrations with extended family with Grandmother on the farm.

18) What was your biggest accomplishment while at Hickman High School and what has been your biggest accomplishment since you
graduated from Hickman until now?

I was blessed with great teachers, many friends and mostly good decisions. School  prepared me for college and life.

I am very fortunate to be able to be a friend to my neighbors here in St. Paul, MN.

19) What do you think classmates will remember the most about you when they

see you at the 60th reunion?


Mostly just that I was there every day with a smile and a good word. Thanks…




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