John Parker - 1963 Bio & Picture from 40th Reunion
I attended the University of Missouri after graduation. I received a B. S. in Agriculture and a D.V.M. degree. Upon graduation from college I volunteered for the Army Vet. Corps. I then served 2 years as a Captain on active duty, was awarded the Army Commendation Medal and did 15 months in beautiful Southeast Asia. I have been in practice in Columbia, MO since 1971. 1 have served for the school board and as scout leader for several years and was PTA President for one year. I served on various committees in my State Association and as Secretary-Treasurer V.P. and President of our district V.M.A. I was President of our local C.V.M.A. for five years. I was also chairman of the Deans advisory committee at MU. of Vet Med. For five years when accreditation was at stake and a new dean was hired. I have four children; 2 natural daughters, 1 adopted
son and I stepdaughter. I have three grandchildren as well. My parents
are both still living and are 83 and 79 years old. I am currently single,
I love to hunt, fish and show cutting horses. I still work too hard everyday,
but life is good.