Nick Hourigan - 1961
Bio & Pictures from 40th Reunion

Great picture of Nicky and brother Greg

Nick's response to my questions for 50th Reunion

Nicky Hourigan
I left Columbia in the summer of 1961.  I graduated from Encina H.S. in Sacramento, CA in 1963.  That same year I got married to the girl next door and we had a daughter, Patrice who is now 40 with two kids of her own.  My two grandkids are Nick age 14 and Tim, eight.   My first wife Jan and I were divorced in 1984.  I remarried a wonderful lady, Helen in 1991.

After high school I went to college and worked full time as a busboy and then as a  file clerk with the State of California.  I received a two year degree, finally, after five years in drafting and went to work for the Army Corps of Engineers as a draftsman.  I kept going to college and received a degree in Economics in 1975.  I stayed with the Corps and worked as an Economist evaluating flood control projects until I retired in 2000 with 33 years of federal service.  I now work two days a week in a bicycle shop.  My wife calls this my hobby job.   My wife hopes to retire in five or six years.  She is a Nurse Practitioner at the local university cancer center.

We both ride bicycles a lot and enjoy many miles and hours on our tandem.  Our first blind date was a tandem ride with friends.  My wife and I both ride to work.  I rode to work the whole time I worked at the Corps.  I truly think it kept me sane all those years.  I also get out at least two to three days a week and ride with the local bicycle club.  My oldest grandson and I will be going to Oregon for a week in June to do the club bicycle tour.  He fits great on our tandem and can use some of Helen's bicycle clothing.

See Pictures

With my 8 year old grandson - Tim

With my 14 year old grandson - Nick
Another Picture

With my wife - Helen



2) Something about your origin; why, when and how you wound up in Columbia

and where you came from if not born in Columbia.

I was born in Columbia at good old Boone County Hospital.


3) What did you do immediately after you left high school in 1963 and where

did you go if you left Columbia?

I left Columbia in July of 1961 before my Junior year at Hickman and moved to Sacramento California and graduated from Encina High School in 1963.


4) Tell me about your education and what your profession is or how you

acquired your occupation and something about it.

After high school I went to a two year college in Sacramento and in only five years received a degree in drafting.  This got me a job with the Army Corps of Engineers as a draftsman.  I kept going to school and finally, after 12 years, obtained a degree in Economics from the local state college.  The Corps then kept me on as an Economist doing flood control analyst.  I retired in August of 2000 with 33 years of Federal Government service.


5) Are you still working and if so what are you doing?

After I retired from the federal  government I worked in a bicycle shop two day a week and still work in a bicycle shop maybe two days a month.  My wife and I still enjoy a lot of bicycling in and around Sacramento and California.


6) Are you retired and what are you doing/have done since you retired? How

long have you been retired?

See Q 4 and 5 above.


7) Are you married? Who are you married to? Who are you divorced from? How

did you meet your spouse or partner; where and when? How long have you been


I married my high school sweetheart, Jan, during my last year of high school and divorced 19 years later.  We are still friends.  I met my current wife, Helen, on a bicycling blind date and have now been married 21 years.


8) How many children do you have? When was your first child born? When was

your last child born? How many grandchildren do you have and when was the

oldest one born?

I have one daughter, Patrice, from my first marriage. She was born in Sacramento in 1963.

I have two grandsons, Nick and Tim.  They were both born in Sacramento.  Nick, the oldest was born in 1989.


9)What countries have you spent time in other than on business? What

countries have you lived in outside the US?

I have been to Canada and Mexico and to Europe twice.   I visited England, France, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia, Switzerland, The Netherlands.

I have only lived in Columbia and Sacramento.


10) Tell me what's on your 'Bucket List' and tell what you have and haven't

done so far.

I want to visit and see more of the eastern United States and visit more State and National Parks.

I do want to see Columbia again.


11) Are you a veteran and if so where and when you served our country?

I have not been in the service.  I was very lucky to be able to register 3A(Married with child)

 for the draft during the Vietnam War. 

12) What is the most vivid memory you have from Hickman High School? What is

worst memory? What is your best memory?

I only went to Hickman for my sophomore year and I only remember good things.  I remember the beanies the sophomore’s had to wear and then try to avoid the seniors hazing.  The cruzing through Big Boy Drive In was always great fun.  Sacramento had Harvey’s Drive in during the sixties.


13) What was your favorite place to go after school or on weekends in

Columbia when attending Hickman?

I remember Big Boy and one other Drive In to cruz and also going down to Booches  Pool  Hall for Pool and a really good burger.


14) Who was your favorite teacher at Hickman? Who would you like to see the

most from the Hickman faculty?

I can’t remember any of Hickman’s teachers.


15) What person from our class have you stayed in closest contact with since

you left Hickman?

I have visited Jim Atkinson when I have been in town for the 25th Reunion, but not lately.  I had kept in contact with Judi Hourigan, my sister-in-law, who has now passed.  I have kept up to date with the Class of 1963 thanks to Charlie Blackmore, thanks Charley!


16) Are you still in touch with 6 or more of our classmates and if so give

me their name and their email, address and phone number?

See Q 15 above.


17) Tell me something that you have told one of your children or

grandchildren that was something you learned or did at Hickman?

I think that I showed my daughter, Patrice,  Hickman in past visits years ago.


18) Share any memory you have of your earliest recollections of places,

people or things in Columbia?

I remember good old West Boulevard Grade School and Jefferson Jr. High and of course Barth Clothing Co, Hullens Lake, Stephens Lake and Columbia Country Club.


19) What was your biggest accomplishment before you graduated from Hickman

High School and what has been your biggest accomplishment since you

graduated from Hickman until now?

Before I graduated from Encina High School, in Sacramento would have to be having a daughter, Patrice.  After high school probably graduating from college with a degree in Economics after 12 years.


20) What do you think classmates will remember the most about you the at the

50th reunion?

I don’t know.


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