Brooke & Carol Peirce "Emily" (Daugther of Helen D. Williams) September 2002, Stone Harbor, New Jersey at their summer cottage Letter I received from Emily in October 2003 - Holiday Card 2004 I talked to Emily in May after she lost Brooke April 1, 2003 they had planned to come to Missouri in July. Brooke's Obituary Carol Peirce passed away August 31, 2005. We never got to have our visit. Emily's Obituary Helen D. is back to the "Home of the Kewpie" Emily, Helen D & me
Emily was two when Helen D. Williams started teaching at Columbia High School in 1924; American History.... in 1930, Mrs. Williams started a Debate Club, then Helen D. left for the school years of 33 & 34 (to do graduate work at Saint Louis University, Emily was about eleven). In school year 34, E. F. Abbott, a new teacher started the HHS Debate Team; Mrs. Williams returned the next school year of 35 and took the boys and girls debate teams to state honors. (During this time from about 1933 thru 1955 Helen D never saw Emily untiI they reconcilled in 1956) it appears that Helen D. started the first Verse Choir during the school year of 1936 and she kept it very much alive for 28 school years until we both left HHS in 1963 and remained best friends until her death, January 7, 1991 at the age of 95. I spent an entire day with Helen D. in June of 1990 and put a 95th birthday wish for her in the Tribune on July 17, 1990 which got her much attention from Kewpies all over the country... I saw Helen D., a few more times that summer and then my life was in a spin for a couple of months and I didn't see my buddy Helen D. again until I met her again through Emily, her daughter, when we started a friendship right after I started in Sept of '98. Emily and Brooke her husband and I were friends and communicated often until they died in 2003 and 2005. I did meet Clinton D. Summers an attorney in Poplar Bluff, Helen D.'s great nephew in July of 2002, from who I obtained the two pieces that I had rematted and reframed and were dedicated to the Memory of Helen D. at the ribbon cutting of the Commons at HHS on November 14, 2003.
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Helen D. Williams