Hickman Kewpie Classmates Directory
Class of 1942

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If you see the word BIO after a classmates name, click on BIO to read their biography!

For Reunion Information Updates
Kewpies:  Past & Present
Thanks for your continued support!

Charley Blackmore, '98
The Kewpie Gathering Place, Since Oct 1998
Classmates Registered
60th Reunion - Was Held October 11, 12 & 13, 2002
Picture from Saturday night

*****Thanks for your donation to the, kewpie.net Scholarship.*****
"Memorialize a classmate with a scholarship donation in their name."

Jane Ray Carroll McQuitty - Chairperson
Clifford Adams - Email removed 2008-10-31
Bob Byers - Email removed 2013-01-01
Elmer Cottle, deceased 2004-02-25
Dan Miller - 2006-02-03
Elizabeth Rouse - Email removed 2008-10-31
Austin Shepard & Hazel Haver  - Email removed 2010-07-27

60th Reunion, Class of 1942
October 11, 12 & 13, 2002

  Registration was about 1:00 pm at the Ramada Inn Friday, October 11, 2002
Brunch(Hospitality Room) 9-11:00 am @ Ramada Inn Saturday October 12, 2002
Buffett 6:30 pm @ Ramada Inn Saturday October 12, 2002
Memorial Service (Hospitality Room) 10:00 am @ Ramada Inn Sunday October 13, 2002
   Sent email to Jane McQuitty for Details
Jane Ray Carroll McQuitty
or contact:
Bill Connor
Hazel and Austin Shepard
Claude Pauley
Maxine Turner Haas
Nadine Shepherd Trial
Bob McCown
Walter Mountjoy

We have lost two members of the committee in the last year....Ruth McCown and Elmer Palmer.
Eddie Sigoloff was active on the committee until he moved to Florida three years ago.  He died a month ago.


60th Reunion
Ramada Inn, Columbia Misssouri (Saturday night October 12, 2002)
I volunteered and played music from the late 30's and early 40's throughout the evening