Use This Form To Locate a Lost Kewpie!
"Kewpie Classmates Association"
Use the TAB key or mouse to move between fields, not the ENTER key.
The ENTER key may submit the form prematurely.  Thanks!

Year of Your Class 
Your Name in High School (First-Middle-Last
Your Present Name 
Your Mailing Address 
Your City-State-Zip Code 
Your Home Phone 
Your Birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD
Your Email Address 
Verify Your Email Address 
Who will always know how to reach you? (Name, Phone & Email) 
How did you find this website?
If non-grad, give brief explanation
The above information will be accepted as your registration if you haven't already registered.
Please give an explaination regarding who you are looking for, reasons why you are trying to locate them and any information about them that could help in finding them.  (You will receive no information about this person from Kewpie Classmates, without their consent.   If I am able to locate the person, I will give the information to them so they can contact you.

1) Names of other Kewpies this Kewpie ran around with during high school 2) Names of the Kewpie's parents  3) Names of any of the Kewpie's siblings  4) Address, street or area of town where the Kewpie lived  5) Occupation of the Kewpie parents or where they were employed 6) Church the Kewpie or their family attended 7) Activity the Kewpie participated in *sport, club or organization* 8) Where this Kewpie worked during high school

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