Only For Comments About Your Favorite Kewpie Teacher

or (faculty member who affected your life the most)
If you haven't completed a registration, this information will be accepted as such. But none of the information you submit here will be added to the webpage  except your name in school, email and your comments!
Year of Your Class____________________
Name at HHS (F-M-L)__________________ Present Name _________________
Mailing Address__________________________
City-State-Zip Code__________________________________
Home Phone________________ Cell Phone_______________   Birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)__________
Email Address_____________________ Verify Email Address___________________________
Who will always know how to reach you?
(Name, Phone & Email) ___________________________________________________________________

Best of the Best, Favorite Kewpie Teachers
Give the name of your favortie teacher and your comments why he/she was your favorite.
Please submit the information requested by email to