Hickman Kewpie Classmates Directory
Class of 1928

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Charley Blackmore, '98
The Kewpie Gathering Place, Since Oct 1998
Classmates Registered
No 75th Reunion Was Held for 2003
The "Class of 1928"

*****Thanks for your donation to the, kewpie.net Scholarship.*****
"Memorialize a classmate with a scholarship donation in their name."

Etta May Graves - Chairperson - BIO - Kewpie of the Month, July 2001
- No longer uses email -

Etta May Graves (Class of 1928) July 18, 2001
ETTA MAY GRAVES, CLASS OF 1928 "Kewpie of the Month, July 2001"
Because I received an award I was the first girl to receive a diploma from Hickman High, the first was Lane McCullough.  We were the first Class in the new school and it was wonderful, although the first 3 years going half days and other things weren't so good.
After graduation I was employed in the President's office at MU.  Stratton D. Brooks was president, and I stayed l0 years and worked for Walter Williams and Frederick A. Middlebush, quitting for the birth of my son.  When he was three I went to Jefferson City to work for our Senator Whitworth, and later became secretary to the Lieut. Gov., Frank Harris, who died in office and I stayed on with Walter Naylor Davis.  I loved the work I did and the men I worked for, and being the only one in a beautiful office.

My second son was born in l946, and by that time my husband had established himself in business, and from that time on I worked for him.  The Central Brace Company established then is still in operation, being run by our youngest son, Jerry.  Norman has his own business in advertising and public promotion.

I have been blessed with a wonderful family and good health and recently celebrated my 90th birthday.
Thank you Charley for what you are doing.



Class of 1928

Mabel Acton Nellie Ruth Hagan Hugh Points
Tom Alexander Herndon Hale Brooksie Powell
Emerson Allen Gladys Hall Marie Powell
Frances Andrews Mary Margaret Hamilton Sarah Powell
Robert Archibald Tom Hamilton Robert Pritchard
Sidney Arrandale Laura Moss Hardin Virginia Pritchard
Stanley Backus Dorothy Hawkins Margaret E.Proctor
Jack Baker Frances Henry Margaret Quinn
Salvatore Balsamo Fred Hetzler Evelyn Reichman
Leola Bastien Imogene Hill Charles Reid
Robert Benson Ada lene Hoke Loren Reynolds
Kathleen Berrie Olin Holt Wilbur Robinson
Jerome Bess Glen Holton John Rogers
Fred Braselton J. W. Hook George Roth
Ella Brautigam Helen Hopper Robert Roulett
Mary Brown Lucille Huff Mary Martha Simon
Elizabeth Burford Mildred Hulen Judson Smith
William Byers Helen Jacobs Martha Smith
Henry Cain Genell Johnson Garrard Spencer
Kathryn Caldwell Hillas Jones Katherine Stegner
Fred Calvin Robert Kellogg Wilbur Stegner
Mildred Cassidy William Ketchum Edward Stephenson
R. J. Cassidy John King Etta Grace Stewart
Fern Charlton Harold Kline Mabel Stewart
Slater Christian Wendell Koerner Mary L. Stocker
Robert Clinkscales Logan Kyle Frances Stokes
Barton Coggins Elizabeth Little Helen Streeter
Mary Conley Nelson Little Ernest Swearingen
Opal Cornelison Marvin Lloyd Mark M. Tandy
Helen Cottle Frank Luckey Margaret J. Thomas
Mabel Cotton Beatrice McBaine William Tincher
Paul Cox Kathryn McCasky Marguerite Tipton
John Creasy Mildred McClain Christy Turner
Edith Creed Elizabeth McCorkle Ruby Vemer
J. Paul Crews Lane McCullough John Venable
Mary Dail Elizabeth McLachlan William Walden
Grace Dennis Rosalind McPherson Wallace Walter
Edgar Drane Martha Mahan Sadie Webb
Lois Duecker Clesta Miles Mildred Whitesides
Genevieve Dulle Nowell Morganthaler Eugene Wilhite
Josephine Eckley Temple Morgett Lloyd Williams
Ella Katherine Edwards John Mossman Helen Wilson
Julia Edwards Seibel Myers Joseph Winkleman
Alex Estes W. L. Nelson Frank Wood
Virginia Estes Esther Nicholson Laura Woods
Geneva Farmer Margaret Norvell Wilfred Woods
Harry Forbis Garland Oliver Irma Wright
Deniza Frazier W. J. Palmer Mary Louise Wright
Martha Gilliam Carolyn Parks Wallace Wyatt
Dorothy Goeke Robert Pearman Fowler Young
Etta May Graves Lois Peeler
Jack Hackethorn Lyle Phillips
In memory of the 129 deceased members of the "Class of 1928."
There are only 25 of the orignial members of the "Class of 1928" still living.
They are celebrating their 93rd birthday this year and
if they were able to attend they would have their 75th Reunion.
**Living members in bold type in above table.**
